ANSI Unit Plans

Clear floor spaces at bathtub

The clear floor space at bathtub or shower is the easiest way to identify between unit Type 'B' Option 'A', and Type 'B' Option 'B'.


  1. Every Type 'A' unit must have at least one accessible bathroom. Where the unit has more than one toilet or bathing area, the additional bathrooms are not required to include maneuvering clearances for an accessible bathroom, but must include the blocking or reinforcement in the walls to allow for the future installation of grab bars and shower seat. Section 1003.11
  2. In Type 'B' units, when there are multiple bathrooms in the unit, Option A clearances would apply to all bathrooms within the unit. On the other hand, if Option B was selected for a unit with multiple bathrooms, the Option B provisions would apply to just one bathroom in the unit. All bathrooms must provide blocking for the future installation of grab bars. Once an option is chosen, the requirements are exclusive, there can be no mixing between Option A and Option B requirements within a unit. Section 1004.11