ANSI Unit Plans

Clear floor spaces at bathtub

Type 'B' Units

Per ICC Section 607.2


  1. The requirements for showers in Option A bathrooms are the same as those for Option B bathrooms (Section 1004. 2. In type 'B' units, when there are multiple bathrooms in the unit, Option A clearances would apply to all bathrooms within the unit. On the other hand, if Option B was selected for a unit with multiple bathrooms, the Option B provisions would apply to just one bathroom in the unit. All bathrooms must provide blocking for the future installation of grab bars.
  2. Reinforcement shall be provided for the future installation of grab bars at Units Type 'A' (Section 1003.11.1) and Type 'B' (Section 1004.11.1) 4. The blocking must be sized to cover the range for the height of the grab bars and the minimum lengths. Allowance must also be made for the attachment of the grab bars